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Adventurous Text Game - Get an Exclusive Promo Code!

Text-Based Adventure - Promocode

Start Room

You are in a room with two doors. Where do you go?

Door 1 Door 2
Trap Room

You have fallen into a deadly trap and did not survive the adventure.

Room with strange noises

You have found a room with strange noises!

Room with a monster

You have encountered a room with a dangerous monster!

Room after monster fled

The monster feared you and fled!

Room with a riddle

You are standing before a locked door. Beside it, there's a note with a puzzling task:

"What is always in front of you but you can never reach it?"

Room with a maze

You enter a dark room with many paths. It seems to be a maze.

Which path will you choose?

Left Path Right Path Back to Start
Room with a mysterious figure

You encounter a mysterious figure who asks you a question:

"Which is heavier: a kilogram of feathers or a kilogram of iron?"

Room with a secret door

You find an old door that is well hidden.

What will you do?

Attempt to open the door Back to the Maze
Room with treasures

Congratulations! You have found a room filled with valuable treasures.


The dragon is ready for battle.

Dead end room

You've taken a path that leads to a dead end.

Back to the Maze
End of the game

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